What and how is it to embody the Guardian of Life? What would it take for society to live in balance and harmony co-existing with all life forms? How would this wisdom be embraced at cellular level rather than an intellectual exercise?


We are looking to tackle the deeper root cause - the mindset and culture that create and develop any manmade system. Currently, we observe that this mindset and culture in most societies is not aligned and connected with how the living system of all living forms functions and its lifecycles. Everything is independent and interdependent in a living organism, whether it’s physically visible to us or not.

Fundamentally there is an underlying belief system that all humans are not part of this abundant and interconnected living system. That we are in control of living systems and can exploit and extract as we wish.

This separation belief do not resemble the living organism and system we all belong to. Consequently, most manmade systems, processes and governances result in unintended consequences such as the extractions and exploitations of natural resources and people.

Our approach is to first find positive deviations in the human race and living organism where communities and societies have lived the timeless wisdom at cellular level (embodied way) for centuries, learning and experimenting in how to live in harmony in a regenerative way and purpose as an whole organism with all life forms and its lifecycles, combining timeless wisdom and modern wisdom from all sources. Why start from scratch when the wisdom is all around us including in nature?

Why start from scratch when the wisdom is all around us including in nature?

Acting as one interconnected/interdependent organism, can we seed and support an awakened culture actively chosing abundance and generosity?


What and how is it to embody the Guardian of Life? A caretaker of all living forms with wholeness (interdependence) mindset, in alignment to Laws of Nature and natural lifecycle of living.

Get involved — email us at: hello@guardianoflife.org